Since Apple's revolutionary release of the iPhone in 2007, the business and social world have been in an uproar over them. With Apple on the verge of releasing the iPhone 5 in October, it's no wonder such animosity is surrounding the phone. In the business aspect, Apple's stock could hit an all time high of $1,000 per share in the next 12 months. According to
Forbes, Apple could break the $1,000 barrier by the year 2014 with the release of both the iPhone 4s & 5, two iterations of the iPad, and several upgrades to the iMacs & Macbooks. Apple is moving strong ahead and in doing so is helping several other companies by requiring its own demand to make its products. Apple is helping the economy while helping itself too. Not only is Apple rising its stock value but the iPhone 5 has also created an uproar within society. Never has a cell phone been under the microscope so much and anticipated to this extent like the iPhone 5. People have been constantly trying to get sneak peaks of the iPhone 5 and rumors have been swirling nonstop about what the phone may look like and what system it will run on. The original iPhone reinvented the smart phone world and the iPhone 5 has even more hype that it will do it again. Socially the iPhone 5 is all anyone can talk about. People are anxiously waiting for it and are looking forward to see the official phone during Apple's official showing on September 12. With the iPhone being the only thing on people's mind, analysts are saying the iPhone 5 is
predicted to reach sales of 170 million over the next year. That is an unprecedented number for a smart phone. Yet this is still all speculation, only time can tell if Apple, the iPhone 5, and the rest of the Apple products live up to the hype.
- Economic
- nationally it will strengthen the economy
- consumer spending influences the company
- their products' parts help other companies with opportunities
- Social and Cultural
- society values on smart phones influence the company
- Generation Y is based on gadgets
- Technology
- breakthrough phone
- will cause competition (winners & losers)
- How much does society's values of smart phones influence the sales of the phone?
- With companies constantly upgrading devices, does Apple really have a shot of selling 170 million phones?
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